
Reward service for daily use

Earn search points and redeem them for gift cards

Use Search, Earn rewards, Refer Friends, Win Prizes!

Get free gift cards from popular services

Smart web activity

Your reward is effortless

Do you want to receive free gift cards of your favorite brands every month? Just use the search on the Internet through our reward system and get nice prizes.

Application users
Rewards given away
Gift cards every month

How it Works?

How Search Rewards works

Install any application where the Search Rewards system is built-in, and use it as usual in everyday life. You will receive points for your search activity. Exchange points for participation in monthly draws. The most active 100 participants will receive additional prizes!

Install App
Get apps for phone, TV, PC and login to your Search Rewards account
Use Search
Just use the Bing search engine in the app in your everyday life
Earn points
The more actively you use the search, the more points you will receive

Earn points easily by
doing your own thing

Profitable habit

Collect points in the background doing your own thing while you study, work, watch the news, shop and surf the Internet

Invite your friends to get more profit

More friends more points

Invite your friends and earn even more points thanks to the referral program. You will receive 10% of all points earned by the users you refer.

Digital gifts as rewards

Free Gift Cards by Email

The perfect gift is a digital gift from popular brands with same-day delivery. Receive your prize directly to the mail, activate it at any time, redeem it for whatever you want. You can also print the certificate and present it to a friend.

100+ popular
gift cards
You will get it
Code in
Activate at
any time

Win your desired gift cards in the raffle

Get what you want

Choose the gift cards you like from the reward catalog every month. Exchange earned points for a chance to win them in a raffle.

Guaranteed monthly 100 activity prizes

Gifts for your existence

Every month we reward the 100 most active users with cool gifts. Compete with other players in the tournament for the best prize.

Click reward Apps

Get the App

Install any application where the Search Rewards system is built-in, login to your Reward account and use it as usual in everyday life. You will receive points for your search activity. Receive gifts as a reward for earning points

Benefit every day

Is Search Rewards safe?

Ensure the safety of the Search Rewards system and its applications by installing any app equipped with the Search Rewards system. Utilize it seamlessly in your daily routine to accrue points based on your search activity.

We do not track or store your personal data

We do not track or store sensitive information about your search history, we only collect traffic and give you points for it

Apps are installed only in official store

All applications with an integrated reward system have been tested, they are safe and do not contain viruses and malware

No payments, we will send a gift to your email

We do not require any payment information from you and do not charge for the delivery of a digital certificate

What people are saying?

After using Search Rewards you can’t go back. It completely changes your attitude to getting a freebie.
This is the best program I've ever seen guys... OMG just be patient. It's so easy and you just collect points in the background
I love this app. It's so easy to use and it's so easy to get points. I've already got a lot of gift cards and I'm so happy.